Monday, March 26, 2012

Just Ask

Wow, life does get busy but I never stop stretching every morning and praying and making good decisions regarding your health.  Although and sometimes contrary to others beliefs, God is with you always and you can continue praying always.  Actually, the busier you are the more you tend to pray and actually schedule it in your day so you can have a break (and sometimes an excuse if you need).

Where are you now?  Are you at peace?  What is troubling you?  Stop and pray for these things and hand them over to God.  What is God working on in you? 

Choose what you need and ask:













Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Out of your comfort zone

During spring break, I went skiing.  The sport of skiing is fun and safe if you are safe however, this year, the resort had ramps/jumps.  I could have played it safe and just ski on the green and blue runs but I was challenged to get out of my comfort zone.  Yes, I wiped out the first time but I continued until I was able to land all the jumps.  I think God asks us to get out of our comfort zone when it comes to exercise.  It is easy to go home, get comfortable and sit in front of the television or sit on the stands and watch child in sport or drive to the store and park as close as you can to the store so you don’t have to walk.  All are choices we make – they are comfortable and easy.  It takes effort to move and get out of comfort and move for God.  For example, we want to stay in bed instead of the effort of getting up, stretching and praying to God so we are prepared for God’s work.  God wants us to use every piece of our life to serve.  You have enemy (humanity) on the out, and goodness (spirituality) on the inside so you have to work on the inside.  Let God inhabit your life.  Listen and go as you know what you should do.  When faced with a decision to sit or move...choose to move for God.

Live a life of no regrets,

Monday, March 19, 2012

God Wings
Back from Spring Break...went skiing but still stretched every morning.  Enjoyed God's beautiful creation and life...

Today just leaving an inspirational excerpt from Jill Briscoe poem "Wings":
Give my words wings Lord
May they alight gently on the branches of men's minds,
Bending them to the winds of Your will.
May they fly high enough to touch the lofty,
Low enough to breathe the breath
Of sweet encouragement upon the downcast soul.

Book - Jill Briscoe, Barefoot in My Heart


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring break...Keep stretching and praying...
Blessings of joy,

Friday, March 9, 2012

The E word

Yes, you knew I would have to talk about this eventually…E is for exercise.  Everyone needs exercise in their lives and you are no exception.   There are no excuses either.  God gave you a wonderful body to move and work for His good.  If you are alive, you are goodness.  God gave you features – voice to tell others, arms to hold others, legs to spread His word, and overall, and to be an example of His faith in your everyday life.  Even if you lost a feature, you can still uphold God mission by demonstrating your faith and goodness.  We are put on this earth to work for His good and to do that, you have to be healthy. 
I know you know the benefits of exercise already, but I will just remind you:

Energy – Your body was not meant to be sedentary.  It is designed to move and keep moving.    Like a well-oiled machine, you are meant to keep your parts moving.  Similar to rusting, you feel really tired when you are not doing anything and start slowing down.  Stop RUSTING!  Make a decision right now to start moving even it is just walking around your living room and making choices to move more.  Although a first it may seem like you are barely doing anything or seeing any change, your energy will increase in a week if you are consistent and disciplined. 
Xcitement – Knowing that you can still keep up with the younger members of your class, releasing your stress and a renewed sense of accomplishment trying something new gives you an excitement for life and others.  This excitement is displayed in the way you walk, talk and feel.  This excitement is passed to others.  They want know what you have that makes you so excited and happy.  The love of God and knowing that He gave you a wonderful body to serve.

Enjoyment – Exercises give you a chance to do things you enjoy.  If you played a sport in the past or were an active kid, you get to do it again.  Go find something you enjoy and do it all over again.  Join a team or get a group together of friends who like to do the same thing.  There are several organizations near you who can help you get started (again).  You can even select kid stuff like hop scotch, jump rope or hula hoop.  Remember how you spent hours on the trampoline.  All are exercises and fun. 
Respiratory – If you are constantly yawning, it means you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain.  Exercise is the answer.  As with any type of exercise, you have to breathe especially to get oxygen to your muscles.  The deeper the breath, the more oxygen you intake.  You can start right now.  Raise your arms and take five deep breaths in and out with slow count from one to five.  You can practice as you watch television or sit at your desk.  Breathing is like following God, every day, every minute, every second…

Circulatory –Do you have to concentrate to tell your heart when to beat?  It would take all our concentration to constantly tell our heart to pump blood.  God created your body to be self-sustaining.  But just like a machine or a car, you have to test it or give it a tune-up to see what kind of condition it is in.  Exercise is like a tune-up for your circulatory system.  Are you “well-oiled”? 
Interest – Exercise allows you a chance to pursue new interest.  Do you want to know how to dance, swim or ride a bike?  What about what it is like to ski or climb a mountain?  Sign up for a class or find someone who knows how and can teach you.  It is not too late and in the process of exercising, you can help others find God.

Satisfaction – When you try a new activity and exercise, you release endorphins which are “feel good” chemicals in your body.  Don’t we have a wonderful God…He wants us to feel good with activity.  The satisfaction of being active and moving allows us to feel good about ourselves and share with others.
Examination – Exercise allows you to examine your life and meditate on God.  Depending on the type of exercise you are doing, the brief time you are “in your own head”, you get a chance to talk to God.  You can use this time for prayer.  Sing a song of praise to God while you exercise or marvel at His creation all around you. 

Exercise is something you can do to show God thanksgiving.  Thank Him for giving you a wonderful body and allowing you to take care of it for His service.
Be a servant for God,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Intimate Conversation
Do you pray all the time?  Why not?  I like the saying that we should always pray so we do not have to introduce ourselves to God in an emergency.  Would God know who you are? 

According to Pete Briscoe, there are three levels of the prayer (person).  First level is grade school, second is high school and third is college.  Grade school level is one that wants to learn and has desire to know how.  Prayers seem rehearsed, simple or awkward.  High school level is to want God’s will.  The last level is college is a person with continuous contact through prayer.  This person has intimate conversation with God throughout the day and in various situations.  Which level are you on?  If you are not even at the grade school level, pray every day until you get it.  Just like an artist, you have to practice to be good.  As your prayers increase, your intimacy and faith grows.
Prayer is an art.  There is no correct pattern but the elements must be included and are necessary for answered prayer.  Your prayers should include compliments to God (worship and praise), confession (ask forgiveness for weaknesses) and concerns (others, requests, etc.)  In your confession, admit you struggle about prayer and focus on setting aside time each day to pray.  Remember, God answers all your prayers but sometimes not in your time or the way you want especially if you have the wrong motive.  How do you know the difference?  Only through spiritual study and conversations with God…As you get to know Him more intimately, you will begin to understand God’s will.

Deo volente,

(deo volente in Latin for “God willing”)

Friday, March 2, 2012


How do you want to be remembered?  I would like to be remembered as “God’s best audio and visual aide”.  Society measures your life based on what you have in terms of possessions but in terms of your stewardship (i.e. what are you doing for God), how do you measure up?  We all have a role in God’s kingdom but if you don’t know Him or his mission for you, it cannot become part of your life.   What is your mission for God? 

Another activity in the manual is to write out your mission statement.  This is different from your goals.  Goals can be short term or long term and they are achieved by a deadline.  A mission statement is what you believe is the focus for your life.  You don’t have to go into the missionary field or become a recognized spiritual leader, but everyone is on a mission for God.  If you are a parent, your mission is to teach God to your family and especially your children.  If you are single, you need to make time to fulfill obligations that married individuals cannot due to time and volunteer for other responsibilities.  Your mission is to make a difference and impact the life of another.  I know you have heard that God does extraordinary things through ordinary people, just like you but are you aware of your life’s purpose?  How do you know what it is and what you should be contributing?  Only through prayer and study will God reveal it.  Like on an airplane, parents are asked to put the oxygen mask on themselves before you can help another, especially a child therefore, you need to put on God’s oxygen mask.  I’m sure you are wondering what does that have to do with your health? EVERYTHING! God cannot use an inoperative vessel if you are not ready – mentally, spiritually and physically. If God calls you to do something, He will supply the resources but you have to supply the body and therefore, you need to be in shape. You want to be ready…

God’s way is a way of love and sacrifice and time is a greatest gift you can give.  How can you walk with a friend for cancer if you are unable to walk across the parking lot?  How can you stay up all night with a sick parent if your body is not in shape?  How can you enjoy time for a bike ride with your children or “tumble in the sheets” with your spouse if you are not healthy?  I know I am exaggerating, but it is true.  When you are limited physically, you tend of limit yourself mentally and then it gets comfortable to stay in that mode.  STOP!  God needs you to get out of that mode and seize the opportunity He presents.  Opportunity is the occasion to do something significant for God and our response reveals how we relate to God.  Live to serve your God with your spiritual gifts.  When you enable your gifts, you meet others needs which can change a destiny.  You are limiting yourself and God through disobedience.  God wants to do something…for you, in you, to you and thru you.  Are you ready mentally, spiritually and physically?  You have work to do.
Like the slogan “Do the Dew”, “do God’s duty”.

To Him be the glory,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Going High Tech

Do you have a smart phone or get on the internet daily?  You have a resource for your health and fitness.  Today, there are many apps and websites regarding health, nutrition and fitness.  Need to know what to eat or the number of calories?  There’s an app for that.  Need to know exercises to strengthen your core?  There are websites with videos, including YouTube.  Need spiritual guidance?  There is an app and websites that will send you daily lessons.  There is really no reason to say you do not know because technology has become a resource to learn.  I think that technology is a terrific resource to learn but when it comes down to it, your best resource is God.  He will direct you but you have to listen and be obedient.  God will lead you to what is right and what you should do but you have to DO it.  If God is in charge and directing you, you have to do it.  You have to look at the opportunity and take charge in some instances.  For example, although going down the elevator is an easier option, you know the better option is the stairs.  Start listening to God and do it!  (Want more of a challenge?  Go up the stairs.)  Instead of finding the nearest parking space, find the farthest and walk.  If you attend a luncheon, take only one plate (make sure you have a salad and something from all four food groups) and don’t go back for seconds or dessert.  (FYI it takes you stomach 20 minutes to register that it is full after eating so you may not feel full right afterwards)  Cookies and donuts are tempting, but you know fruit is a healthier choice (you don’t need an app for that).  If keeping a food journal (activity in manual), take a picture with your cell phone of your meal and record it later or record it in your cell phone food journal (yes, there is an app for that).  Can’t seem to work in exercise or spiritual study?  Set you alarm and schedule it on your calendar in your IPhone.  Just like a doctor’s appointment you schedule other activities around, you cannot miss the exercise appointment you set on your calendar.  Morning stretching should be on your schedule and set a consequence if you miss it, like take the stairs at work.  Let your Facebook friends hold you accountable for your health and spiritual knowledge.  When you go online, tell them how you were successful in keeping your food journal, exercise routine or spiritual time.  God has supplied you the technology so use it to stay dedicated and obedient to Him and yourself!
Hand over your technology to fill Coach God’s schedule.  He is waiting on you to make time for Him.

Be obedient,